Available courses

Naval Architecture – coordinator: Romanian Naval Academy (3 ECTS)

Oceanography – coordinator: Romanian Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

Naval Communication – coordinator: Bulgarian Naval Academy (3 ECTS)

Naval Electronics – coordinator: Bulgarian Naval Academy (3 ECTS)

Naval Cyber Threats – coordinator: Polish Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

Computer network – coordinator: Polish Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

Naval Sensors –  coordinator: Italian Naval Academy (3 ECTS)

Power Plants – coordinator: Italian Naval Academy (3 ECTS)

Naval Leadership – coordinator: Italian Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

Maritime Security – coordinator: Bulgarian Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

CSDP – coordinator: Romanian Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

Gender Perspectives in Naval Forces – coordinator: Polish Naval Academy (2 ECTS)

MARS-NET - Maritime Simulators and Training Facilities Network for Enhancing the Exchange of Good Practices and Digital Learning - joint international project implemented under ERASMUS+ KA226 program by:

- Romanian Naval Academy - coordinator (dr. Lupu Sergiu, dr. Popa Catalin);

- Polish Naval Academy - partner;

- PiriReis University - partner;

- Lithuanian Maritime Academy - partner;

- Bulgarian Naval Academy - partner. 

SEAfarers Experiential Knowledge Based MENTORS - joint international project implemented under ERASMUS+ KA226 by:

- Romanian Naval Academy - coordinator (dr. Popa Catalin, dr. Nistor Filip);

- Polish Naval Academy - partner;

- Lithuanian Maritime Academy - partner;

- Bulgarian Naval Academy - partner;

- Maritime Innovators - partner;

- Spinaker Doo - partners.

T7.2 Curriculum Design for Crew Training & T7.4 Blended Training Materials for Crew

Project title: Strategic partnership for supporting Blue Growth by enhancing Maritime Higher Education maritime cooperation framework on marine pollution and environment protection field.


MARitime Soft Skills for Onboard Healthy Nutrition and CULinary Arts in Seagoing Services – CUL-MAR-Skills

KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training


-C1 "Onboard Healthy Nutrition” – responsible partner: RNA/PRU

-C2 "Victualling Onboard" - food supply chain management on board (determining, purchasing, storing, preparing, cooking, serving) – responsible partner: PRU

-C3 "Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Procurement" – to provide students with an entrepreneurial mindset – responsible partner: NVNA

C4 "Green Transition in Blue Galleys" - to increase the awareness of the students on waste management an environment protection, emphasizing the importance of hygiene-sanitation to prevent diseases on board, on environment-friendly practices – responsible partner: UAEGEAN

C5 "Onboard Cook Skills" – responsible partner: PRU

The course is designed help both male and female prospective staff cope with the hardships they are likely to encounter in sea going services and maritime jobs and make them realize themselves to the full extend.  To this end, leadership and intercommunication skills cadets may need in their prospective jobs are planned to be given in the course. Current practices in maritime will be discussed in view of diversity and gender management skills. On completion of the course; the learner/trainee will have the competence to cope with the problems deriving from diversity in addition to gender and cultural differences and have relevant skills to effectively carry out the duties in maritime.

Course Objectives:

  1. Understanding contemporary approaches on discrimination in particular gender discrimination.
  2. Learning different tools and methods to overcome discrimination and best practices throughout the world.
  3. The importance of the gender diversity in different work environments to increase effectiveness in workplaces with an emphasis on maritime life.
  4. Creation of synergy to overcome gender discrimination related problems and using leadership skills to integrate the female in maritime environment.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand gender discrimination and gender diversity with negative effects in social life and work environment
  2. Practice different tools and methods to overcome gender discrimination
  3. Understand and provide a general understanding of gender diversity for work effectiveness.
  4. Use leadership abilities to ensure abolish gender discrimination and enhance gender diversity in maritime professions.

Goal of the Module:

Introduce participants to NATO structure and working mechanisms;

Familiarize participants with key NATO concepts and terminology; 

Develop the participants’ oral and written communication skills in English;

Foster cooperation among NATO participants 

Navy Warfare Tactics