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To be updated by the partners systematically with: weblinks, events info, fecebook news or other references in support of MARSNET dissemination.
Project events
Courses - learning, training activities
Building the updated pool of competencies for maritime education to improve the value of simulating facilities in maritime education (PRU - leader).
As results of IO1, 10 course syllabuses to be harmonized for selected STCW courses, to value the simulation learning methods on hard and soft skills requirements, in order to align the MET curriculum to the newest STCW standards (i.e. continuing the DECOMAR and MARINE projects results), in order to prepare a virtual exchange programme for students and teachers, for the following courses: Ship Handling and Maneuvering, Cargo handling, Navigational Watchkeeping, Engine Room Watchkeeping, Radar Navigation, Maritime Search and Rescue, Coastal Navigation, Naval Machines and Equipment, Naval Communications, Celestial Navigation
Digital media tools to enhance the simulating teaching efficiency in maritime education (PNA - leader)
The major deliverables of O2 are the following ones:
- 1 guide for best practices in modelling the digital course content to exchange good practices in building the digital materials, as to be forth commonly used in exchange programmes implemented among the partners; - 1 evaluation/assessment guide for simulation courses in maritime education will be conceived to facilitate the common practices implementation on hard skills courses, solving a great issue faced among the partners in reference to the simulation facility usage.
- 5 common harmonized seminar digital materials will be jointly conceived, as selected by the partners from the harmonized courses pool from O1, keeping close to those course where the simulators are most intensively used - digital course materials to be prepared to facilitate the virtual Erasmus+ exchanges.
In case of dual learning and distance learning study programmes, the partners will produce in support of this objective, as models, several samples of digital materials, using the simulators, to enhance the learning process based on digital resources onboard the ships. A number of video tutorial video materials for simulating classes instructions will be prepared, as following: • min. 5 video tutorials for Ship Handling and Maneuvering course (Navigation simulator) – MBNA; • min. 5 video tutorials for Navigational Watchkeeping course (Navigation simulator) – PNA; • min. 5 video tutorials for Radar Navigation course (Navigation simulator) - NVNA; • min. 5 video tutorials Engine Room Watchkeeping course (Engine Room Simulator) – PRU; • min. 5 video tutorials Cargo handling course (Cargo handling Simulator) – LMA.
Guide for assessment practices on simulator - collection of partners good practices, containing:
- what type of assessment is used / each type of simulator;
- what type of assessment is recommended when using the simulator for Ship handling, Bridge/engine watchkeeping, Radar Navigation, Cargo Handling courses;
- what assessment strategies are recommended (skill and abilities to the evaluated, types of exercises).
Guide of modelling practices on simulator - the partners should report their suggestions regarding the practices in:
- options for building the scenarios on simulator (soft and hard required capabilities) - short description of each simulator used for the nominated courses (Ship handling, Bridge/engine watchkeeping, Radar Navigation, Cargo Handling);
- modern recommended tools in modelling the content (video tutorial, captures, interactive presentations, gamification) for each course;
- recommendations regarding the cadets training for an effective training using the simulating capabilities onboard the ships;
- if any idea about connecting the simulators with the online platforms for cadets be instructed onboard the ships during the cadetship.
Virtual digital campus for teachers, researchers and students (MBNA - leader)
The O3 objective represents the integrative phase of the project, conceived for connecting the academic community, students and teachers, to create and to access the virtual network developed as a “virtual campus” for sharing the didactic materials and the digital resources, for simulating learning environment courses and classes, as pre-determined and developed in O1 and O2.
The O3 will consist in the following results:
- 1 virtual network for teachers/experts/, where the teachers will be connected peer-to-peer with their colleagues in the partner campuses, by forum, sharing the teaching practices and research ideas. A virtual collaborative e-campus for teachers and researchers, where the academics to be connected peer-to-peer with their colleagues in the partner campuses, by forum dialogue, sharing the teaching practices and research results in maritime area of knowledge and not only.
- 1 virtual campus for students where digital resources will be available to be accessed by the students during the cadetship, in order to facilitate the learning process and hard skills development during the internship in support of dual education enhancement;
- 5 courses shall to be uploaded on the platform for international students, available to facilitate the dual education system for cadets onboard the ships;
- video conference system will be implementation on, for each of the developed courses, to facilitate the joint online courses/seminars/training (the partners will use MOODLE online platform and BBB BigBlueButton BN open source with MOODLE plugins directory facility, adopted as online videoconference software);
- video conference system will be implementation on, for work placement mentorship on each course, to facilitate the exchange hard skills during the cadetship (the partners will use MOODLE online platform and BBB BigBlueButton BN open source with MOODLE plugins directory facility, adopted as online videoconference software).
Joint scientific research partnership for building a more efficient and effective teaching learning environment based on simulation facilities (NVNA - leader).
The O4 objective has been conceived as an analytic phase in support of project sustainability, to bring into the light several problematic aspects regarding the learning by simulation, very important to be approached within the topic of digitization of maritime higher education system. The partners will seek to reflect by scientific research, carried on interdisciplinary manner, the most relevant didactic parameters arose in relation with virtual learning management system regarding the virtual class leadership models, evolution methods for simulation classes, virtual scenarios development or bridge team management techniques using the simulators. In these studies, the partners will bring not only an accurate scientific approach, but also the companies experience and the student’s perceptions related to these matters.
The major results of this objective will be the following ones:
- 4 research studies on simulating environment efficiency and effectiveness for maritime education and training;
- 1 research study in regard of higher valorization of simulation facilities – connecting solution of simulating facilities of partners (academic network of simulators) (MBNA).
The studies will bring innovative solutions to building a more efficient and effective teaching and learning environment based on simulation facilities, available for any interested entity, even teacher, researcher, student, company or institution. As this research area is still very poor approached on international level, the project could contribute to the enlargement of knowledge in the field of simulation processes, mostly focused on training programmes for maritime education sector.
Virtual webinar tools to enhance the digitization of learning materials in Maritime Higher Education (LMA - leader).
The objective O5 has been planned to be the project implementation phase, when an overall number of 250 students and 20 teachers will be virtually enrolled in digital classes, to support the developing of the digital content materials. The methodology of building the teaching materials drafted on O2 will be fulfilled, recording the online monitored web-seminars sessions, delivered in videoconference system, to the students from cadetship or from different campuses. This teaching activities will use the simulating scenarios sharing online the practical exercises on simulators, and will be recorded to be further used in the joint network, as final digital resources, available for partners, in joint. - Virtual webinars applications for teachers and students - to be delivered to the virtual auditorium, recorded to be implemented, via platform. Each course will be assigned to a partner as specified in O2. As result of O5, the partners will make available 5 digital courses, fully covered with harmonized curriculum (O1), teaching materials (O2) and online available resources (O3), valuing the hard skills developing imperative for maritime higher education students, in virtual manner to stimulate the cadetship dual system programs, the virtual mobility of international students and the digitization of simulating classes. Already, as presented in attachment, the leading partner has drafted the methodology for training the trainers in designing the simulation exercises, on various type of simulators (navigation, engine room, communication, cargo handling).